Mar Timotheus Charitable Hospital,
Thrissur, Kerala



Experience in

Mar Timotheus Charitable Society is an association of members of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East in India under the Catholicos Patriarch H H Maran Mar Awa III. The society was inaugurated in January 1983. The society is registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act XII of 1955 in 27th January 1983. The Registration Number is 14(Fourteen). The registered office of the society is situated in THRISSUR, Kerala State, India. The main thrust of its aims and objective is to unite men of all sects, sections and segments in the performance of charitable and philanthropy services. The promoters of Mar Timotheus Charitable society are immensely happy that they have been able by the grace of God to organise a unique institution in the form of this charitable society and hospital to perpetuate his sacred memory. And they most earnestly hope and pray that the Almighty in His infinite power and glory may enable this Mar Timotheus Charitable Society and Hospital derives its name from the sacred name of the late Saint Mar Abimalek Timotheus Metropolitan of hallowed memory. The Saint Mar Abimalek Timotheus was truly a man of God and instrument of the Divine providence, and his life, a noble saga of service and sacrifice to the church in India and to the cause of the Assyrians and others in the world over. 7 institution to translate the late metropolitans teachings into fruitful action by organizing planned projects of charitable endeavors


St. Mar Timotheus

Mar Timotheus Charitable Society and Hospital derives its name from the sacred name of the late Saint Mar Abimalek Timotheus Metropolitan of hallowed Timotheus was truly a man of God and instrument of the Divine providence,

President H. G Mar Awgin Kuriakose

H. G Mar Awgin Kuriakose was ordained as Metropolitan of Chaldean Syrian Church of the East in India and Southern Gulf countries by Mar Awa III Catholicos of Church of the

dental care

H.H. Maran Mar Dinkha
IV Catholicos Patriarch

On December 16, 1986, the foundation stone for the hospital was laid by the Chief Minister of Kerala, Mr. K. Karunakaran. On January 13, 1991, Mar Dinha Patriarch inaugurated


First President
Mar Thimotheus (II)

Mar Thimotheus (II), Metropolitan - Chaldean Syrian Church of the East in India. The first President of Mar Thimotheus Charitable Society


Late. Rev. M.I David
Founder Secretary

The idea of starting Mar Thimotheus Hospital originated during an informal conversation between Rev. M.I. David and Mar Thimotheus Thirumeni (2nd).

Management Committee

The society is administered by an executive committee comprises of the President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Organising Secretary, Treasurer and four Committee Members. The president also will be the Patron of the society who shall always be the Metropolitan of the Chaldean Syrian Church of the East in India. The present Patron President is H.B Mar Awgin Kuriakose Metropolitan. The two Vice Presidents are nominated by the Patron President from the members of the society. At present, Dr. T.T Paul and Mr. Bobby James are the two Vice Presidents of the society. The remaining posts are elected from the Governing body of the Society.


Rooted in the Love of God and in fear of is Omnipotence "Charity" is essentially a vision- a vision which inspires a pure minded and whole hearted way of looking at the spectacle of life with love for all and malice towards none; it is basically an attitude of mind - an attitude which inspires one to think the best thoughts and to do the best deeds towards glorifying the Almighty Creator's name.

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